Palak Gupta


Top 15 Strongest Currencies in the World

It is a common fallacy that the US Dollar is the strongest currency. But currently, it is not the US Dollar which is at the top. The strongest currency in the world...

Top 15 Popular Cloth Materials to Wear

Clothing has many functions, from functional to decorative. It could be a workplace necessity, dress code for an event or simply what you're up for in the moment. Whether fashionable or mandatory,...

Top 15 Gemstones That Are Widely Used

Gemstones are more than just blingy add-ons to jewellery and precious items to flaunt. They are of historical and cultural significance. All the stones carry different meanings according to their color and...

Top 15 Pillows Your Neck Would Love To Rest On

When you have a comfortable bed to sleep in, then all that is missing is a comfortable pillow to sleep with. Pillow is an integral part of our sleep as it helps...

Palak Gupta