Brittanica defines Conspiracy theory as “an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of actions of a small powerful group, rejecting the accepted narrative around these events”. Although conspiracy...
In his 1889 essay "The Decay of Lying", Oscar Wilde mentioned that 'Life imitates art far more than art imitates life'. The literal meaning of his quote comes home if a few...
Greek mythology has some of the most fascinating tales that carry a myriad of themes. Exploring and exposing the follies of Gods, Goddesses and heroes, Greek mythology is easy to comprehend and...
Animated films make us nostalgic about our childhood. It is subconsciously associated with a period of innocence and childlike curiosity towards the world outside our head-space. It is, therefore, a matter of...
Korean television series or K-dramas are television series produced in South Korea. Over the last two decades, K-dramas have become a popular source of entertainment across the globe. The best part about...