Top 15 Things we can learn from the GEORGE FLOYD Case

George Floyd is one of the most trending names on the internet. Some of you know what happened, some of you don't and some of you might have already forgotten about it....

Top 15 Inventions That Changed The World As We Knew It

Inventions have revolutionised our existence, we have evolved from mere cavemen to modern humans! All due to the urge for innovation that roots in humans. Man's curiosity has led him to the...

Top 15 Elegant but Toxic Animals Around the World.

The animal kingdom is extremely fascinating. There is no shortage of beautiful creatures in the world. However, most of the time, their vibrant colours and beautiful patterns are the implications of how...

Top 15 Ways you can do your bit in Saving the Planet

Climate change and global warming have become frequent points of discussion in our daily lives. Millions of species are affected every year on our planet because of the two phenomena. Wild animals...

Top 15 Unique Planets

The infinite cosmos is a treasure island awaiting exploration. Nestled in its basket are galaxies, constellations, back holes, dark matter, planets, and satellites, amongst other ethereal creations. Below is a list of...

Top 15 Places In Mumbai You Must Visit Without Fail

Mumbai, the city of dreams, is a place that everyone wishes to visit at least once in their lifetime. Mumbai is the seventh most populous country in the world. It has several...

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