Tag: mental illness

Top 15 Most Common Misconceptions

We live in a society that is propelled by social media where information travels faster than the light and we have grown to blindly believe every random fact that we come across!...

Top 15 Celebrities Who Have Been To Rehab

Mental health has always been a very important issue that most of us ignore. We tend to think that people who are more successful and get so much love can never face...

Top 15 Myths About Mental Illness That Need To Be Corrected

Illness refers to anything affecting the body or mind. You must have heard people saying that they are having a stomach ache or headache, but very few people confront having a serious...

Top 15 Most Common and Severe Mental Illnesses

There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness, some of which you may have heard. Mental illnesses can affect not only the patient but the people around them as well. If not treated cautiously the illness can cause great harm to a number of people. Below is the list of the worst mental illnesses that affects people in horrifying ways.

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