Penaaz Valecha

Penaaz is a freelance content writer and social media enthusiast, based in Mumbai. She is a fan of all things aesthetic & creative, good movies and great food. She also enjoys travelling and exploring different places. Her love for French Fries, Shah Rukh Khan and the English language is sacred. Monotony doesn't work for her and she is super passionate about becoming her best version!

Top 15 Potato Appetizers that can make you drool!

If there's one thing that I could eat for the rest of my life, it's Potatoes. Why? One, they're so freakin delicious! Two, one can have tons of different types of dishes...

Top 15 Ways To Stay Optimistic

Whether we believe it or not, our thoughts run our lives. Still, most of us tend to fall prey to negative thinking, because we are conditioned to be easily affected by the...

Penaaz Valecha

Penaaz is a freelance content writer and social media enthusiast, based in Mumbai. She is a fan of all things aesthetic & creative, good movies and great food. She also enjoys travelling and exploring different places. Her love for French Fries, Shah Rukh Khan and the English language is sacred. Monotony doesn't work for her and she is super passionate about becoming her best version!