Top 15 Secrets For A Healthy And Flawless Skin

The secret to healthy and radiant skin is how you pamper it. Everybody has their own way to rejuvenate their skin, body, and hair, especially on their off days. But is that enough? Exposing skin to harmful pollutants every day and to settle scores with just one day of pampering is not enough. Many of us complain that we don’t have enough time to take care of our skin, so here are 15 easy secrets for healthier and flawless skin. You don’t necessarily need to change your lifestyle. Just adding up a few habits in your routine will make do.

Top 15 Secrets For A Healthy And Flawless Skin

1. Night Care Routine

 Night Care Routine
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Every day before going to bed apply some oil on your face. Sounds crazy? But yes it does wonders. Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with one tablespoon of castor oil. Apply it all over your face and neck and massage firmly. Leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning or you could leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wipe it with lukewarm water.

2. Early Morning Routine

Early Morning Routine
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Now every morning wash your face with some good face wash just to wake it up and keep it clean and clear. This is a very important step you should never skip on.

3. Prepping Your Skin Before Makeup

Prepping Your Skin Before Makeup
Image Credits – Google Images

Before you apply makeup and walk out, you must do some skincare before it. The first step is sunscreen and some moisturizer. NEVER EVER SKIP ON IT! Also, it helps your makeup to stick longer. If your base isn’t good, then the makeup won’t last.

4. In Between The Day

In Between The Day
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Especially in the hot days, keep washing your face every then and now. Wash it with some regular face wash. Another way is to keep using any good quality facial wipes that also help to combat the hot summery days.

5. Removing The Makeup

Removing The Makeup
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As much as wearing makeup is important, removing it properly is important too. After a long, tiring day, it’s difficult to invest any more energy but trust me, it’s for your own benefit. Just grab some wipes or any face wash and wipe/rinse your face. Apply some moisturizer and you’re all good.

Some easy ways to keep your skin glowy, healthy, radiant and all of those good things are:

6. Use Face Scrubs

face scrub
Image credit: Miss Ambivert

Probably the easiest way to clean your skin. They are very easy to use and don’t take a lot of your time. Just grab a facial scrub and rub gently on your skin in circular motions and then wash it.

7. Use Face Packs

face pack
Image credit: HerZindagi

For deep cleansing, face packs work the best! They are easily available and aren’t even that expensive. All you have to do is apply the pack, wait for it to dry and then gently wash it. You’ll instantly feel the difference.

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8. Use Face Masks

face mask
Image credit: Franklin & Whitman

Face masks have been used for the longest. They can be easily made at home. You can even add up a few ingredients by yourself that work for you really good. For best results, use twice a week.

9. Use Sheet Masks

sheet mask
Image credit: Purlisse

Nowadays, a lot of new things have taken over the market. Sheet masks are one such product. They come in a variety of variants for every possible skin type. They are easy to wear and really fun to use at the same time.

Here are some DIY Facemasks that you have to use at least once a week and for best results twice. Any other facemask is good just make sure you are regular with it:

10. Honey Face mask

a) Honey Face mask
Image credit: Bee well honey farm

Add 2 teaspoons of unprocessed honey to 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice. Mix it well. Apply it on your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes until it completely dries. Then wash your face and pat it dry.

11. Turmeric Face Mask

b) Turmeric Face Mask
Image credit: Fab How

To a small bowl of cream (also called malai), add one tablespoon of turmeric powder and two tablespoons of gram flour (besan). Mix it well until it forms a thick paste. Leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse your face.

12. Tomato/ Cucumber Face Mask

c) Tomato- Cucumber Face Mask
Image credit: The WAU

First, wash and peel your 1/4 cucumber. Then blend it to a fine pulp with 1/2 tomato. Apply the mixture on your skin, massaging in gentle circular motions. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash it away.

And finally, some basic but effective tips to be taken in action:

Tip 1– Always clean your hands before touching your face. Never touch your face with dirty hands. You might not realize it but dirty hands increase the chances of acne growth.

Tip 2– After washing your face, never rub it with a towel. Always pat gently on your skin and help it to dry. This prevents your skin from losing its elasticity and stops premature wrinkles and dark circles.

Tip 3– Whenever you apply any product on your face, for example, any cream or foundation etc, always dab the product gently onto your skin rather than rubbing it over. This just makes it easier for your skin to absorb the product quickly.

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