Harshita Madhav

HARSHITA MADHAV Is graduated from Delhi University in History. She loves to time travel with books and writes her heart out. She is curious about new cultures and their historical monuments.

Top 15 Wardrobe Essentials A Woman Must Own

Every season brings new sensational clothing, which sooner attracts its crowd. Apart from the craze to buy every piece of clothing, it is necessary to think about the wardrobe essentials, i.e. clothes...

Top 15 Most Influential Women in Indian History

Many influential women in the history of India played an active role to create the nation as we know it today. But the bravest of them were the ones who threw themselves...

Harshita Madhav

HARSHITA MADHAV Is graduated from Delhi University in History. She loves to time travel with books and writes her heart out. She is curious about new cultures and their historical monuments.