Top 15 Essentials For A Solo Trip

Solo travel is the epitome of self-indulgence wrapped in the package of growth and independence. With a little extra caution and preparation, one can make their solo trip a memory of a lifetime. So what’s the trick for having a successful solo trip? Packing smart! Here are the top 15 essentials you must carry on a solo trip to make it worth your time.

Top 15 Essentials For A Solo Trip

1. Power Bank

In today’s time, mobile phones have become a way of life. They help in connectivity and communication. During a solo trip connectivity must be ensured with the people who love and care for you. In any emergency, it can be a lifesaver. During your travel, it is not easy to find sockets and plugs to charge your phone or camera. Charging those cell phones should not be an issue with the help of a power bank. Designed particularly for the time when sockets and chargers are not handy, a power bank is an essential item to carry on a solo trip.

2. Padded Backpacks

During travels, the thing that bothers me the most is heavy luggage. It is not easy to roam around with so much baggage on your shoulders. Padded backpacks are a solution to this problem. They soothe your aching shoulder and neck muscles while you carry your luggage everywhere. Switching to a lightweight backpack with multiple pockets is a good option for solo traveling.

3. Medical Kit

When traveling solo, keeping a medical kit at hand is a must for emergencies. The kit must consist of several important things such as bandages, painkillers, and digestion pills. After the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, carrying sanitizers, masks and a pair of gloves became important as well.

4. Easy Dry Towels

Ordinary towels occupy a whole lot of space in the bag resulting in less space to adjust other important things. For a solo trip easy dry towels suit the purpose. Thus substituting ordinary towels for everyday use with easy dry towels reduces odor from wet towels during travel.

5. Water Purifier Bottle

Water is very important for human beings. Without an adequate amount of water intake, one can fall prey to several diseases. The proper amount of water intake helps boost immunity and also prevent dehydration. During travels many people fall victim to issues of dehydration so it is advised to always carry a light-weight, leak-proof one to prevent infection from contaminated water.

6. Foldable Reusable Bags

Nature is our mother Earth. We should care for it and protect it from getting dirty or degenerated. Many travelers are accused of littering and throwing garbage around. It is thus ideal for solo travelers to always carry foldable reusable bags as this directly cuts down on waste generation.

7. Waterproof Folder

Documents such as IDs and other verification documents should be dealt with in full seriousness. Any loss of these valuable documents can land the person traveling in serious trouble. It is thus advisable to carry a waterproof folder is useful for protecting important documents such as a passport or visa.

8. Finances

Money should not be carried in large amounts while traveling and complete dependency on e-transactions should also be avoided. Ensure to carry both- cash and plastic cards. Cash comes into use when ATMs are difficult to find or when shops refuse to accept cards.

9. A Multi-Purpose Swiss Knife

This is one such basic thing that every traveler is expected to have. It serves the purpose of most of things. A basic Swiss multi-purpose knife includes a can opener, a tiny pair of scissors, a nail filer, a bottle opener, and a screwdriver. It is particularly useful for hiking or trips in the wild, the knife can be used for self-defense too.

10. Multi-Purpose Shoes

On a solo trip, sporting a pair of comfortable multi-purpose, water-proof sneakers that can be used for hiking, trekking, or something as mundane as a common evening stroll is mandatory. The shoes should be such to adapt walking to any kind of path. Heeled shoes should be avoided as they result in more harm during traveling.

11. A Safety Whistle

The importance of a safety whistle has been highlighted time and again. It is very useful as it helps in scaring the wild animals that one may encounter on one’s path while traveling. It also keeps the miscreants away. It can be very useful while dealing with an emergency. It is also useful for calling for help if you get trapped somewhere.

12. Safety-Zone Maps

Though we live in an era of GPS and Google navigation still relying completely on them would be a huge mistake. There are some situations when the maps won’t open and navigations don’t respond thus one should ensure to carry an annotated map of safe and unsafe areas on your trip.

13. Eyewear

If you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, make sure to carry a spare set of glasses and/or disposable contact lenses. One must always have an extra pair handy as no matter how tense the situation arises you might be able to come out of it.

14. Snacks

It is a lesser-known fact that snack bars are an important source of energy. They boost the adrenaline rush giving your body the motivation to function smoothly. Snack bars are important as instant sources of energy, particularly if you suffer from health problems and are unable to find any eatery near you.

15. Insect Repellents

No traveler would want to fall victim to insect-borne diseases. It is necessary to keep in mind insect repellents, especially mosquito repellent. It is really useful if you are traveling to tropical destinations or in the wild. Toss a bottle or two of insect repellents for a healthy trip.

Solo travel is one of the most enriching experiences that allow you to push your boundaries and grow as a person. An adequate and appropriate packing is bound to enhance this experience.

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