Shreshtha Gupta

I am a thinker. I believe thinking incites writing.

Top 15 Horrific Brain Disorders That Are Astonishing

The brain is the most essential part of the body as it controls all our actions. But what if the brain malfunctions and goes out of order? You would either lose consciousness...

Top 15 Eerie Etiquettes Followed Around The World

Etiquettes are the basic rules that are to be observed by an individual in the society in order to conduct himself properly. Etiquettes are not only important at the workplace but also...

Top 15 Lifesaving Foolproof Hacks You Might Not Know

Have you ever woken up to a life-threatening dream wherein you saw yourself caught in the midst of danger? Of course, many of us have had such kind of dreams at some...

Shreshtha Gupta

I am a thinker. I believe thinking incites writing.