Fitness has been the demand of the tick of the clock, but exercise could get boring with all that commitment that comes packed with it. The fitness routine gym timetable, the same old yoga positions and the long charts of diet start taking on the nerve after a time, resulting in loss of interest and unmotivated minds. But here at the top 15, we bring to you the Top 15 Not So Traditional Way Of Staying Fit.
Top 15 Not So Traditional Ways Of Fitness
1. Zumba
To start with, we have for you “Zumba”. Mostly mistaken as dance class, Zumba is not what you would dance, but exercising intensity with loud, energetic music in the backdrop that would not just keep up your mood but also make your mind divert from the boring routine of exercising.
Zumba for that matter involves everything from stretching to leg work to weight loss, belly loss as well as flexibility. Not to forget, mental satisfaction and a stream of happy hormones.
2. Desi Jam Cardio
So, the first query that comes with this type of exercise is that, what exactly is “Desi Jam Cardio”. Is it some cardio sort of workout, or is it dancing on jam beats?
Well, the answer to the question is that Desi Jam Cardio is a combination of both, exercise as well as dancing. So this can be at times mixed with Zumba, but let us got it sorted for you all. Desi Jam Cardio basically is a non-stop combination of dance moves on Bollywood music which also involves working out on every part of the body, as every part, just like in the gym.
So it is dancing on the desi tunes while getting into a sexy shape. Up for this one?
3. Skipping
This one I believe is the favourite of all, not only because it is easy, but more because it has got strings attached. Well, I meant, the strings of childhood memories!
Okay so, skipping is really one of the easiest and engaging workout techniques that I believe is. I personally challenge myself a lot, wherein I push in my own limit. And the best part about this exercise is that it is just mere jumping and you work on your hands, shoulders, legs, stomach, chest, all at once.
4. Sports
Coming to sports, this is one vast category when it comes to the top 15 not so traditional ways of staying fit. One has got a long list to choose from. It could be basketball, baseball, football, rugby, tennis, badminton, or any sport for that matter.
The best part about this category of working out is that you actually do not feel that you are working out. It is more like you are into the action of a sport you love and the zeal of winning keeps you going. And bang on, that is what you need here.
It is as simple and quick as that. So you stay fit, stay connected and stay happy too.
5. Squats
Let’s get that butty of yours in shape! That’s what my mind always hears in a loud voice when I hear- SQUATS. But one thing that I love about squatting is it actually gives you the feel of exercising and investing time on your own self. It can get hard, real and painful, like really painful.
Personally, squats always remind of the sweet pain in your legs and the shiver that your instinctively when walking down the stairs. Relatable?
But it is seriously one fun exercise that totally works on your legs, your cute bums and the stomach area. So, one big thumb up to workout.
6. Running
Running oh my god is the best therapy ever. One, the people who run have got such a beautiful body with all those sharp cuts and shape. Two, early morning runs are so good for your body, as it helps you inhale all the fresh air of the morning.
Three, it is cheap with no investment or membership fee of the gym or the yoga class or the Zumba or desi jam or whatever class. All that you got to do is buy a pair of good running shoes and run. Oh well! Will to get up early too. In case, you just forgot that.
7. Swimmig
It gets real here. For everyone out there who feel that “Oh! Swimming is easy”, you need to know this. You got to have that muscle power to actually swim.
And seriously, if you know how to swim, you must just focus on this. I know the water chemical content can be an adverse effect with tanning and greying of hair coming as some unwanted gifts, but this is one of the best workouts you can add to your list.
To those who have never learnt to swim, do not wait anymore. What is more fun than water, unless you are scared of it!
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8. Crunches
As we move down the list, the toughness of the workout seems to get a little more. But do not panic because all of them carry their own parts of fun.
Here we are with our eighth not so traditional way of staying fit, and this is called CRUNCHES. This one exercise can really test the strength of your patience and also your inner strength, but if you want the perfect abs, you got to crack the equation of this one.
9. Planks
This one stands in the category of my personal favourite and I can actually do it more all of my life. This is one exercise I look up to for the perfect muscle strength, inner strength, body shape and balance.
Not only this gives you a sense of balance, but also works on your shoulders, back, legs, abs and hands. This one has got it all.
10. Masala Bhangra
If you are desi by heart you are going to surely love this. So this workout has got no plans of giving you abs, but it has got all plans of giving you inner happiness, which is as much important.
And as they say, dancing is a great exercise and so it is and when Bhangra is on the list, what else do you even dare to choose?
11. Walking
Walking is the most simple, basic workout that anyone can ever dream of. Just like running it has got similar benefits minus the cuts and shape.
Walking will surely maintain your movement but would not give you the cuts. This one I personally believe is best for elderly people, pregnant women, and people who cannot run or indulge in heavy exercise.
12. Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is the most elegant exercise that I have ever come across. It is so serene, so pure and looks smooth that it just blows my heart away with its ease.
But the graph of the truth is, it is nowhere close to an easy exercise. It involves all the characters, mental stability, meditation, inner strength, muscle power, flexibility, respiratory benefit and obviously a perfect body shape.
But not to deny, it is one of the most elegant workouts.
13. Strength Training
This is something that weight lifters prefer to do. It intensely involves going to the gym, running, wrestling, power-lifting and working on your core strength basically.
This sort of exercise is best for the people who are into a lot of gyming and further see themselves doing something as intense as this.
Well, this one certainly involves, one, a lot of dedication; two, a lot of passion; and three, a lot of investment, mentality and financially.
14. Dancing
The fun part is finally here. So this sort of workout could be done anywhere, anytime, with anyone or you may choose it to do with everyone in the room or just alone in the mirror.
You don’t purposely need to join some particular sort of a dance class, anything would do.
But if you plan to get into one, it is just the best spoon you picked.
15. Power Yoga
So of the workouts that I listed above, do not forget to tell me which one are you going to adopt!
So when the idea of calm yoga gets boring, this is something that gets the kick out of it. Power yoga is the latest trend of generation. It is quick, it is interesting, pushing and the best part it, it works well with a refreshing spirit.
Stay fit, stay raw!
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