Top 15 Waste Of Money Habits You Should Be Aware Of

There are many people in the world who earn decently but do not know the art of saving money. Most of us spend money on useless places and do not think anything when it comes to saving or investing money. Let’s see some of the areas where people usually spend their money which turns out to be a complete waste.

Here Are Some Waste Of Money Habits You Need To Be Aware Of

1. Credit Card Interest Or Overdraft Fees

credit card
Money Habits
source: business news daily

This is something that every one of us faces. Everyone just takes out their credit card when it comes to paying something, and the bank loves it when you do such activities through your card. The fees charged from these sources are huge, and it is one of the biggest wastes of money.

2. Takeaway Coffee

takeaway coffee
source: pinterest

Yeah, sure, coffee is crucial for us to kick start our day. But do you know how much extra it costs you for a takeaway coffee? Instead, you can just make coffee at your workplace or just carry it from your home. Trust me; it is going to save you a lot of money. 

3. Membership Or Subscription

source: design trends

We all have bought memberships of something or the other where we hardly go or do not even go. If you are someone who falls in this category who just takes memberships or subscriptions and never uses them, then just cancel it today, it will definitely help you save some money.

4. Waiting Too Long To Buy Food

ordering food
source: fluentu

When you are more hungry, you are certainly going to order excess food, and eventually, you will not be able to finish the whole thing. This habit is a complete waste of money.

5. In-app Purchases Or In-game Purchases

in app purchase
source: ipod hacks

People spend a considerable amount of money buying such stuff that they think would be fun. But actually, this is a trap, and you end up falling into it.

6. Special Offers And Coupons

special offers
source: grabon

People might think that it is a great deal or the retailer will make them believe that. But the truth is, they are selling you something that you do not need. Basically, people buy such stuff that is unnecessary for them, and it turns out to be a complete waste of money.

7. Cigarettes

source: newyorkpost

This item on the list doesn’t even need an explanation. It is not just harming your wallet but your body too. An average smoker consumes at least 60-65 cigarettes in a month and spends a fair amount of money on this. And the harm that it is going to do to your body is just unexplainable.  

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8. Luxury Goods

luxury goods
source: taylorwells

Yeah, sure, some luxury items are worth buying, but not all of them— especially not something that will make a hole in your pocket. If you are trying to impress people by buying stuff you cannot afford, you are making a huge mistake.

9. Energy Drinks

energy drinks
source: the guardian

These drinks are costly. They usually cost double the price of any beverage. Apart from the cost thing, they are very unhealthy, and one must avoid consuming them regularly.

10. The Latest Tech

latest technology
source: wholepost

Some people are just addicted to the latest technology and gadgets. They buy such stuff as soon as they are launched in the market. Most of the things are not even something they need on a daily basis. They are just readily wasting their money on such stuff.

11. Extravagant Baby Products

baby products
source: babylist

New parents love buying exciting and extravagant stuff for their kids, and it is not wrong until and unless you do it within a limit. Simply splurging your money on such things that your kid may not even use is a total waste of money.

12. Extended Warranties

extended warranty
source: moneycrashers

Certainly, warranties are good, but extended warranties aren’t. Most products do not need such warranties, and you don’t need to spend a considerable chunk of your money buying the same.

13. Cheap Junk

cheap junk
source: youtube

Asking you not to buy luxury things doesn’t mean that we are asking you to buy such things that will not last at all. Do not invest your money in those things that will not last as it will turn out to be a complete waste.

14. Excess Beauty Products Or Skincare Products

beaity products
source: huda beauty

Nowadays, people are obsessed with buying and trying new brands. But excess of it is not going to be any good for your skin or your wallet. It will just cost you more and more money, and you will not even use these many things.

15. Expensive Cable Packages

cable package
source: smart travel

People spend a considerable amount of money on cable networks that they do not even watch. There are hundreds of channels, and we don’t even have time to watch all of these.

Thus, it is advisable to think twice before spending a huge sum of money so that you do not end up fooling yourself.

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