Tag: emotions

Top 15 Ways To Support People With Depression

People suffer mentally because of a certain trauma or pressure in their personal or professional life. All this pushes a person towards mental problems like anxiety disorders, depression, or other mental imbalances....

Top 15 Causes Of Suicide

Suicide is considered the world's third most significant cause of death for the age group of 15-29. 800000 people kill themselves yearly, i.e., approximately one death every 40 seconds. So what can...

Top 15 Astonishing Harry Potter Facts

It has been about 23 years since the first Harry Potter movie was released. And it still has one of the biggest fanbases; no one can beat the power of magic. So,...

Top 15 Things To Never Say To Someone With Trauma

Facing any kind of traumatic event shatters a person to the core. Their life becomes upside down, and every aspect of their life messes up. It takes a long time for a...

Top 15 ways to practice self-love

Ever been stuck on feelings that you’re not enough and worthy of love? Experiencing all these negative thoughts might be stressful and stop you from loving yourself. But how do you get...

Top 15 Animated Films Of The 21st Century

Animated films make us nostalgic about our childhood. It is subconsciously associated with a period of innocence and childlike curiosity towards the world outside our head-space. It is, therefore, a matter of...

Top 15 Amazon Prime Shows To Binge Watch!

Amazon Prime has provided its viewers with excellent content, whether it's shows or movies. Prime Video has grown to around 150 million subscribers as it offers its viewers more than 5000 movies...

Top 15 Emotions That People Feel But Cannot Name

We all have encountered many bittersweet emotions that we cannot name, some so intense that they grasp our minds for days and some so feeble that they pass in a moment. Here...

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