In our lives, we often tend to get overwhelmed by the drudgery of everyday mundane life, effectively leading to emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. During such moments, it becomes vital to take...
Mental health is a subject that has been surrounded by lots of prejudice and has been ignored for a long time. But now, as people are becoming more aware, and those who've...
Facing any kind of traumatic event shatters a person to the core. Their life becomes upside down, and every aspect of their life messes up. It takes a long time for a...
"Work From Home"- As tempting as it may sound, it has its disadvantages. One of the significant disadvantages is the stress that work from home has brought into people’s lives. Here are...
Modernity simply means the quality or state of being modern not just in terms of lifestyle but also in the way of thinking and working. Though it is inevitable and has many...
Illness refers to anything affecting the body or mind. You must have heard people saying that they are having a stomach ache or headache, but very few people confront having a serious...
Various studies have shown the importance and health benefits of having plants inside your house. Indoor plants not only make you feel better mentally but also improves your overall health. It enhances...
Drug addiction is quite common in today's world since the accessibility of drugs has increased. The concept of doing drugs is sighted to be very cool, therefore, more and more people are...