Top 15 Slushie to try this Summer

Love to have slushies but couldn’t decide which one to have? To ease your work, we have some incredible range of slushie ideas to try. These slushie drinks contain alcohol, yet has...

Top 15 Ways To Celebrate Birthdays Virtually

Birthday is undoubted, the most enthusiastic day in a person’s life. Birthdays are special to humans as it brings along with it celebration, party, and balloons! The decorations along with the sparkling...

Top 15 Bengali Sweets to Try When in Bengal

West Bengal is one of the most ethnic and culturally enigmatic states of India. This state is widely popular for three things- Durga Pooja, Fish, and Sweets. India is a country that...

Top 15 Crazy Plot Twists in Movies

Whether a movie is of horror, crime, mystery, or drama, what exactly completes it besides the genre? Yes, the plot twists! The highly unexpected twists are the reason behind our extreme obsession...

Top 15 Astonishing Differences Between Men And Boys

Though it might not be quite evident, there are certain differences between men and boys. It is essential to understand these differences to not fall into the trap laid out by a...

Top 15 Anti-Aging Fruits To Look Younger

You must eat well to look younger and have healthy glowing skin. One of the best ways to stop the aging clock is to eat fruits every day! Some fruits contain high...

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Top 15 Cringeworthy Fashion Trends from the 90s

There is no doubt that fashion is subjective and keeps changing with time. What is popular at one point of time can become outdated a while later. The 90s is a decade...

Top 15 Fruits to Get Healthy Glowing Skin

Who doesn’t love healthy glowing skin? Skin free of pores and pigmentation is something every woman desires. To get glowing and healthy skin all you need is fruit. Here is a list...

Top 15 Adaptable Measures to Boost Your Intelligence

It’s time to discuss how to boost intelligence. Intelligent people benefit from their past experiences, act decisively, resolve difficulties, and accordingly adjust to new situations. Therefore, intelligence can be clarified as the...

Top 15 Eat outs in Bangalore at Affordable Prices

Bangalore, the silicon city of India is definitely one of the most expensive cities in India. Therefore it is a presumption that good food here cannot be availed at affordable prices. However,...

Top 15 Most Unusual Beaches Around the World

From colourful sands to pink water, to glow in the dark beaches, nature gives us a whole collection of not-so-cliche beaches. These 15 naturally unique and unusual beaches in the world are...

Top 15 Indian Desserts to Pamper Your Sweet Tooth

If you ask an Indian what they do besides eating lots of good food, I bet the answer you are getting is that they think only about food. Well, you cannot really...

Top 15 Resolutions We Make But Fail to Keep

We are human beings and by nature, tend to want to improve ourselves be it for our own self-goals or pressure from social norms. Social and peer pressure is not just something...

Top 15 Life Hacks to Make Your Life Easy

So often we find these cumbersome little obstacles that make it so difficult even during the tiniest of chores. All these "first world problems" can easily destroy your day. Fortunately, the internet...

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